Meanwhile, expect more shenanigans from Pelosi, who is more desperate than a 50 year old virgin to consummate the matrimony (unholy or otherwise) of the Senate bill and some hitherto undefined package of "fixes." She has floated the constitutionally questionable idea of "deem and pass" to pass the fixes while not actually voting on the Senate bill. Demon pass would be more like it.
All I can say is that Tea Party patriots need to burn up the phone lines, in their own districts, to keep the pressure on their Congresscritter. If we can push this to the Easter recess, they can here how constituents are still angry over this monstrous crippling sucking beast of new spending.
In the comments, Sarah takes issue with my injunction to call only one's own congressman/women/beast. I had heard that on Glen Beck, but Sarah is closer to the issue:
But I disagree on one point. Folks often wonder if it does any good to call outside their district, and what we are hearing from staffers across the county is that it depends on where the caller is from. Since California is considered a liberal state, our calls mean more. If WE don't like the bill, it must really suck. And we are a huge fundraising state. So, I vote for call your district AND all those wishy washy lawmakers on the fence.
Exactly! Letting down are guard is suicide in this fight.
ReplyDeleteBut I disagree on one point. Folks often wonder if it does any good to call outside their district, and what we are hearing from staffers across the county is that it depends on where the caller is from. Since California is considered a liberal state, our calls mean more. If WE don't like the bill, it must really suck. And we are a huge fundraising state. So, I vote for call your district AND all those wishy washy lawmakers on the fence.
Love it! Anything with Admiral Ackbar is an automatic win.
As for the bill, it looks like the last spasm of a dying beast. If thisone doesn't drive the government over the edge, then social security and medicare will.
Just spent the last couple of hours sending emails to as many representatives as would let me. I thanked them for voting NO on this horrible health care legislation. I picked up this link from Carpe Diem blog. CodeRed is fighting the Obama/Pelosi Government Health Care Takeover. Representatives and contact info is here, how they voted in November and their current status. 29 are still undecided; we only need 11 more NO votes for this bill to die!!!