The tea party is nothing if not skeptical of government. Yet through the death penalty, we entrust to government the ultimate power of deciding the life or death of American citizens. I do not trust that our institutions of justice can apply the penalty fairly or without error. The thought of a man (and it is usually men) who would be wrongfully put to death is too horrible to contemplate. Yet, we have any number of cases where those on death row have been exonerated. My skepticism of government leads me to conclude that it cannot be trusted with a task such as deciding life and death, even of criminals.
The death penalty is expensive to carry out, surely a factor for fiscal conservatives. One might argue that part of the reason it is so expensive is that the appeals process can be abused or over used. However, given that some on death row have been later exonerated and given the finality of the sentence, can one blame defense attorneys for using all available means to prevent the execution of their clients? Of necessity, the process will be costly in our system of justice.
I do not believe that the death penalty is an effective deterrent to murder. The studies are mixed but reputable scholars who have good pedigree in statistical methods assert that the studies do not show high correlation with deterrence. From Jeffrey Fagan's testimony.
These studies fail to reach the demanding standards of social science to make such strong claims, standards such as replication and basic comparisons with other scenarios. Some simple examples and contrasts, including a careful analysis of the experience in New York State compared to others, lead to a rejection of the idea that either death sentences or executions deter murder.I am pro-life, and I am sure many of my readers would identify themselves as such. I cannot condone the state sponsored killing of any human being. Euthenasia, abortion and the death penalty have this in common, they take human life based on the judgement of other human beings under government approval. We have seen earlier where argument for "after-birth" abortion based on the same logic that leads to allowing abortion. Similarly, it seems inconsistent to be pro-life and in favor of the death penalty. We should be against "death panels" and the death penalty, because only by respecting the sanctity of all human life can we restore a moral foundation for our society that has been lost through the widespread acceptance of abortion.
Further, there is evidence that the race of the victim is highly correlated with whether the death penalty is applied. Even if we find causal factors other than race for this outcome, it is not acceptable in our desire for a color blind society. This disparate outcome gives rise to great moral passions that undermine respect for the rule of law.
As a Christian, though not a Catholic, I still look to the Pope for moral inspiration and guidance. Here is some of what Pope John Paul said in 1995.
Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) says that punishment "ought not go to the extreme of executing the offender except in cases of absolute necessity," that is, only when it would be otherwise impossible to defend society. And the pope teaches that such cases of absolute necessity where society cannot be defended in any other way are "very rare, if not practically nonexistent." (#56) That view is echoed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which applies the principle of self-defense to the protection of society, and states:
"Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.
"If however, non-lethal means are sufficient to defend and protect people's safety from the aggressor, authority will limit itself to such means, as these are more in keeping with the concrete conditions of the common good and more in conformity with the dignity of the human person.
"Today, in fact, as a consequence of the possibilities which the state has for effectively preventing crime, by rendering one who has committed an offense incapable of doing harm without definitively taking away from him the possibility of redeeming himself - the cases in which the execution of the offender is an absolute necessity are very rare, if not practically nonexistent." (#2267)
I would ask fellow conservatives to consider voting to abolish the death penalty this November.
i still support the death penalty, but i never looked at it from your perspective.
ReplyDeleteThat is a tough sell but it is good to see a reasoned argument to consider. There really is only one real reason why I support the death penalty, Justice.
ReplyDeleteI do not care if 1% of criminals are deterred because some acts are beyond our ability to dispense justice or grant forgiveness. Some acts stand as examples that threaten civilizations, like treason and mass murder. There are other examples that undercut our faith in humanity and our hopes for individual dignity and freedom.
In these cases, humanity must admit our limits. We are neither perfect nor divine. Human nature is to seek justice and closure so that we may continue with our lives. In some cases, it is best to leave further judgement to a higher power.
I have to go with Bdaddy on this. Although justice may be served by the death penalty, in many instances, it is too light a sentence. Let a higher power find judgment subsequent to a lifetime in prison.
ReplyDeleteCombined with a willing media, we have seen whole populations swayed to decide against their own self-interest whereby my skepticism of the government would be coupled with my skepticism of the media. Walter Duranty, Dan Rather, NBC, to name a few, link to Dean's blog for an assist.
Life without parole is a better bargain than a prolonged appeals process.
On a spiritual note, we cannot sacrifice as a society a single innocent soul, nor determine the future of one's ultimate reconciliation with his Maker. We would make this case for the unborn, and are taught to provide sinners with a a chance to bring them to harmony with their Creator. We cannot un-ring this bell.
I respect your arguments, but will have to agree to disagree on this one.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Link forthcoming.
ReplyDeleteBut, sorry, not voting to abolish. I have too much Old Testament running through my veins.
Good one, B-Daddy.
ReplyDeleteI turned against DP years ago when DNA evidence started clearing so many people who had been sent to death row.
Not worth the legal costs, much less the inevitable wrongful convictions.
I've got too much Ezekiel 25:17 running through my veins. Leave the killing to the righteous, not the government.