Here is what I do know. Fannie and Freddie are political creatures of the federal government. Their lending standards are therefore set by politics, not market conditions. Surely there will be pressure for them to loosen their standards by those politicians for whom this will be expedient. This is why Fannie and Freddie need to be broken up into smaller entities and divorced from their status as Government Sponsored Entities. (I can't find that term in the constitution.) The new companies, by competing on how well they assess the riskiness of loans, will find the correct equilibrium for the housing market. Further, these companies could seek out innovative ways to hold banks and other loan originators liable for bad loans that were due to lack of due diligence. This seems like a great way to inject true free market principles to re-vitalize the housing market.
What will the new default rate be? I have no idea, I just know it will be more likely to be beneficial to the economy as a whole. Further, without the taxpayers on the hook for losses, it will cause the system to work out the correct risk level and prevent another expensive bailout.
B-Daddy, further, the smaller entities will take the starch out of "too big to fail" argument that has been the main driver behind Bailout Nation.
ReplyDeleteLink forthcoming.
ReplyDeleteFacepalm moment for me. That's the whole reason I started writing this piece, then wandered off and forgot my main point.