
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Deja Vu - All Over Again

It feels like the election is a distant bad dream, and that nothing happened earlier this month.  Europe is in recession, which will probably affect the U.S. economy.  The economy isn't really healthy, with new jobless claims climbing.  There is always an excuse, this month's is Hurricane Sandy.  More brinksmanship on the budget is expected, with a fiscal train wreck set for January 1, the President has raised the level of partisanship by insisting on even greater revenue from increased tax rates than he did last time.

The stock market is down 5% since the election.  Normally, I would attribute that to noise, but the trend started when the polls stopped trending for Romney.

On the international front, more bad news dogs the President, as his Benghazi story continues to unravel, thread by thread.  Does anyone remember the audacity of hoping that people would believe an amateur video caused the death of the American ambassador?  Another Washington leader is caught in a sex scandal that is distracting attention from pressing matters.  Israel is again faced with a de facto undeclared war.

Meanwhile, the Affordable Care Act continues to squeeze businesses, with multiple companies announcing layoffs, reduced hours or price hikes as a result.  Is it just marketing?  I don't think companies would cut hours if it didn't reduce their costs under the act.  It's harder to manage the greater number of part-timers that result.  

Can you honestly tell me anything that seems better because of the re-election of the President?

Didn't think so.

Sorry for the light blogging.  It's not because of the election, but work and school have combined for  a heavy load of late.  I lack prior familiarity/experience with the material in my current course.  Work has been crazy as my employer, the executive branch of the federal government, makes penny-wise and pound-foolish decisions in a frantic effort to cut costs.  One example, restricting who can have mobility solutions like laptops, blackberrys and cell phones.  However, if we had more telework that such devices enable, we could reduce space costs which would more than pay for the mobility solutions.  Alternatively, we could deploy virtual desktop solutions that would allow people to use their own devices, but spending on new solutions is restricted to one program office which is swamped with the pressures of letting a new contract that will basically continue current practice.  This is a microcosm of why government should be put in charge of as little as possible.


  1. Wait until the NY and NJ folks have to deal with FEMA. I am still working on BS paperwork revised by various reviewers to get things paid from Isaac in Louisianna. I am hoping it won't be covered-up. At least the claims in Louisianna from Isaac dont look at me as the bad guy for the late payments. They seem to be used to it. (but I am not) Normally, the Insurer provides me with a checkbook so I can write a check on the spot.

    Independants that have worked for FEMA like myself, are all saying they won't do it again. My email has 3-5 requests for NFIP licensed personnell every day from temp companies trying to fill the FEMA spots for Superstorm Sandy.

    From my own microcosm of the federal world,

    1. 'Dawg, thanks. More proof, as if we needed it, that the Federal government should be put in charge of as little as possible.
