
Saturday, September 8, 2012

God and Democrats in Charlotte

There was a great hoopla over the lack of reference to God in the Democratic platform. They felt just embarrassed enough to make a motion to restore it to the platform; but not before further damage was done with voice vote that was nothing short of fantastical, with significant numbers of delegates voting No.

I wouldn't normally comment on something like this, because, though I am a Christian, I believe that I can best reach people by couching my arguments in non-religious terms. However, that the Democrats can barely be bothered with faking a respect for the institutions that underpin the nation's real strength, the culture of its people, is symptomatic of their problems. Jonathan Haidt would agree. They have become completely unmoored from the history and traditions of our nation. Rejecting those traditions is necessary for a cult of statism. Both communism and fascism were hostile to religion for similar reasons. Religion is a powerful counterweight to a culture of omnipresent government power, because it posits a moral relationship between mankind and God that predates government and exists outside of the reach of government. This is why dropping God was more significant than I first believed. It is a sure sign that the Democrat party is becoming more comfortable with adapting the philosophies and methods of religion hating regimes. Such regimes were the worst oppressors the planet has ever known. The treatment of God in the platform is symptomatic of their war on religion; attempting to silence the speech of religious institutions and limit their sphere of influence.


  1. Obama ended his speech with "Providence is on our side." The notion that God is on your side is the justification for regimes like the Taliban. The American idea is that we strive to be on God's side. It is the distinction that is central to good and evil.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. DDE, he meant Providence, RI. Far be it from The One to mention anyone who might be seen as greater than himself.
