
Friday, January 27, 2012

Weekend Music Chill

Getting an early jump on the weekend music. I was thinking about how the tea party has no real candidate in the Presidential race and never did, a too bad to Michele Bachmann, and that dufus who thinks she's queen of the movement. For some reason, the Cars 1979 hit, It's All I Can Do came to mind, with the lyrics It's all I can do, to keep waiting for you, running through my head. I think it makes a nice companion piece to a song that would be on my Desert Island Dozen, Bye-Bye Love.

There's something extra about the studio version of Bye Bye Love, so I included it here.


  1. Was never much of a Cars fan but I always did really like "Bye, Bye, Love".


  2. Loooooove the cars! boy does that take me back.

    Thanks for the link!
