
Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekend Music Chill

Apropos to yesterday's events, here is the Boss, with his classic, "Dancing in the Dark."

Check out Dean's post on the black out. I have been hankering to buy a generator for a while, this was the final push needed. In terms of preparedness, I would only add that having a traditional phone carrier proved to be a superior move. We switched to Time Warner Cable for our phone to save money on bundling, and they lost all signal. In a widespread outage their transmitters lack any back up. My neighbors with AT&T let us use their phone. However, I also discovered that the geniuses who installed the modem for my phone, failed to install the battery so I would have lost telephone, even if only my home was affected. Time Warner Cable is the worst, I may post a more extended rant on their pathetic lack of service later.

As soon as AT&T or other carrier can give me decent cable in our area, I'll be singing this tune to TWC.

*FTC Disclaimer: I may or may not have received valuable consideration in the form of swag, jack and/or coin to endorse these products. I am not saying and have the right not to do so.

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