
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Coffee Party Silliness

Got an email from the supposedly centrist and civil Coffee Party asking me to send an email to my Congress critter. Here is what they suggested on their website. (Have to click a few links to get there.)

We do not consent to the world's first Great Depression On-Purpose. We demand a balanced approach to solving our fiscal problems that will not put the entire burden on the poor and middle class. We see through the ransom demands from radical extremists and representatives in Congress who have pledged their loyalty to a rigid ideology instead of the American people.

We will not stand by quietly and bear the entire burden of solving problems that were caused by irresponsibility in Washington and on Wall Street. If you ignore our phone calls and emails, expect to see us in your local offices and at your town halls. One way or another we will be heard and our nation's interest will be served, or, you will lose the privilege of representing us.

Here is what I sent (they let you edit your letter, probably a bad move on their part.)

We do not consent to the world's first Great Depression On-Purpose. We demand a balanced budget to solve our fiscal problems. We see through the ransom demands from radical extremists and Democrats in Congress who have pledged their loyalty to a rigid ideology instead of the American people. Stop the spending madness.

We will not stand by quietly and bear the entire burden of solving problems that were caused by irresponsibility in Washington and on Wall Street. If you ignore our phone calls and emails, expect to see us in your local offices and at your town halls. One way or another we will be heard and our nation's interest will be served, or, you will lose the privilege of representing us.

We demand that you get some serious budget cutting equal to the amount the debt ceiling will be raised.

Regards, B

1 comment:

  1. Raising the debt ceiling doesn;t make any sense under Fractional Reserve Banking because as long as you have this type of currency the debt rises continually it does not even have a mathematical way to go down. It is truly impossible. If it not possible for the debt togo down and required for debt to continually rise then what sense does a debt "ceiling" make. It is a ludicrous concept from the get goto have a debt ceiling for fractional reserve banking. This is truly the theater of the absurd. Do you realize how hard the really smart criminals are laughing at the Average American right now? This whole thing is a bad movie. We see whats coming becausen math tells us so but logic and reason cannot prevail over opinionated masses babbeling to keep the checks coming in out of fear that they might actually have to be responsible for their own life. Its not right or left it is not even just Americans, it is DUMB PEOPLE! This is why democracy sucks because we have to spend time trying to teach the unteachable basic facts about reality itself.
