
Monday, March 21, 2011

Meanwhile in Indiana

Little reported upon or even remarked upon, Indiana's Democrat legislators have fled the state, imitating their Wisconsin brethren (H/T Roger). How can this be good for the brand name of the Democrat party? The Indiana Democrats have enough votes to deny the Republicans a quorum to vote on any legislation. What makes this situation different from Wisconsin is that the Democrats are protesting the entire Republican agenda. Roger Hedgecock pointed out that the Democrats are playing with fire, because the state budget expires on June 30. Without a budget, I'm not sure what government services will be shut down, but no doubt there will be a big impact.

Roger Hedgecock characterized the walk out as hostage taking and I tend to agree. The Republicans need to hold firm. If the Democrats cause the state government to shut down because they denied a quorum, I am certain the voters will blame them.

The key issues have to do with keeping unions coffers full with paycheck deductions and maintaining project labor agreements. There is no issue of principle at work here. Democrats want to make sure that unions get dues funded by deductions required by government. Republicans should be applauded for giving workers more choice and local government more choice to get lower prices on projects.

The other key issue is over private school vouchers. Why do Democrats hate this? It means fewer public school teachers paying dues to fund Democrat candidates. It's about political power, pure and simple.

But how about a little sympathy for the fleebaggers?
The Indiana Democrats say life on the lam hasn't been enjoyable. There is one washing machine at the hotel and there are lines to use it. It has rained for almost a month, keeping them indoors except for an occasional walk past strip malls and chain stores. Three have developed sinus infections. After an initial wave of support and visits across state lines from union members and supporters, they have been largely isolated. "We're busy but we're bored," said Democratic Rep. Linda Lawson.
My heart bleeds. Not.

Exit question, why don't these legislators consider how it will feel eventually they have the majority? Majorities in American politics aren't permanent, after all.