
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Walmart San Diego - Labor's Flawed Logic

Lorena Gonzales makes some absurd arguments in today's U-T editorial section on the law to block WalMart from setting up "big boxes" that sell groceries without a special economic impact analysis that no other business is subject to. Here is the core of her argument, Superstores have unknown and potentially economic impact, so they should be required to submit to a special analysis before being approved. News flash, all new businesses have an unknown economic impact. If they didn't then the central planning of the former Soviet Union would have made it the richest nation on the planet. Further, even if an analysis is performed, it is unlikely to predict the true effects of any new business. After scaremongering and passing along numerous lies regarding Walmart, she accuses the business of "bullying" the City Council with its petition drive. Bullying? Really? Exercising constitutional rights when being subjugated by local government is bullying? Remember this, which also applies to local government:
Congress shall make no law respecting . . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There is a rebuttal by W. Erik Bruvold, Big-box ordinance unfairly targets one retailer, on the opposite side of the paper. While good, it doesn't really capture my outrage. So here are my rebuttal points:
  1. There is already a planning process. Use it. Stop targeting a business that competes with union shop grocers.
  2. New business is disruptive, so what? Henry Ford didn't submit an impact analysis on the carriage industry.
  3. Lot's of businesses thrive near Walmarts.
  4. Walmart provides wages and benefits that are usually better than the small businesses they supposedly supplant. Like it or not, and I don't, California's minimum wage laws guarantee this.
  5. People want to pay less for groceries. Poor people need to pay less for groceries. Why don't you care about the poor?
  6. Why are labor unions leading the charge against Walmart if the negative impact is allegedly against small businesses, who usually lack union shops, by the way.
  7. An economic analysis is a ban. Look at the experience in Los Angeles. Quit obfuscating.
  8. Labor is going to get thumped again if this goes to a vote, leaving them with less money to make my life more miserable.
I look forward to seeing how the City Council handles this issue.

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