“The stakes could not be higher,” the document says. “ If the Obama administration succeeds in imposing unaffordable and unworkable permitting and other rules through EPA, it will severely impede the domestic manufacturing and industrial growth necessary for this nation to create jobs and emerge from a devastating recession."Meanwhile Senate Republicans think they can gain significant Democrat support for legislation to restrain the EPA's ability to regulate green house gas emissions.
Most Senate Republicans think the sweeping repeal of EPA authority is the best approach, a Senate aide said, and they’re confident they can get broad Democratic support.
“There’s anywhere from 12 to 15 Democrats that we are eying that we think would have an interest in supporting a bill like this,” the aide said.
I think this is a long shot because Harry Reid won't allow a floor vote on this, and even 15 Democrats plus 47 Republicans wouldn't sustain a veto. But hearings would remind the public about Obama's pernicious use of regulation to bypass the Congress and make for a tasty campaign issue in swing states in the Midwest.
Back to the Obamacare front, the Daily Caller is reporter that Fred Upton, Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee (the same committee taking dead aim at the EPA) is beginning an investigation of the waiver process that has already allowed 222 companies and unions to escape the nasty clutches of Obamacare. Here is an excerpt of the letter sent to the office charged with overseeing the waivers:
It continued: “In a Nov. 30, 2010 meeting with Ranking Minority Member Michael Burgess, you stated that your office had also denied waiver requests. We would appreciate if your office would explain how a decision is made on whether compliance with the PPACA is necessary.”Hey, I think we'd all like to know the answer to that one.

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