
Friday, November 12, 2010

A Reason to Like the Deficit Commission

. . . Or the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform as it is formally known, Paul Krugman hates it. From today's New York Times article:

Count me among those who always believed that President Obama made a big mistake when he created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform — a supposedly bipartisan panel charged with coming up with solutions to the nation’s long-run fiscal problems. It seemed obvious, as soon as the commission’s membership was announced, that “bipartisanship” would mean what it so often does in Washington: a compromise between the center-right and the hard-right.

Even if I don't agree with everything Bowles and Simpson have proposed, they are certainly making the right enemies. Adding Paul Krugman to a list that includes Nancy Pelosi is certainly a major achievement.

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