
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Programming Alert: Debate on Proposition D On September 30

Attention San Diegans against new taxes. There will be a debate on Proposition D, the proposed half-cent sales tax increase, on Thursday, September 30th at the Westin Gaslamp Quarter from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. The debate will be moderated by Liam Dillon of the Voice of San Diego. Tea Partyers who want to influence the debate can e-mail questions to Liam ahead of time. We should also show up to the debate and ask tough questions, like why the city council won't just enact reforms without the proposed increase. Liam has a pretty good take on the reforms in a companion article on the increase:

The 10 reforms listed in the ballot measure provide the start of major structural changes, not the end. The actual savings depend not only on negotiations before the tax could be increased, but also on the implementation of reforms anticipated but not required by the measure. In the end, it will come down to how hard the city's elected officials decide to push for many reforms' execution.
This is why I am opposing the measure. I want the politicians to show good faith and do some hard work for us, before we hand them more money. Eventually the economy will recover, sooner if there are significant Tea Party types in the House and Senate. The money will start rolling into the city's coffers, taking the pressure off executing these reforms. We will be stuck with the increase but without the fix. Better to force the reforms now, and see how much of an increase is really needed.

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