
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pre-emptive Action Against San Diego Sales Tax Increase

Temple of Mut has information on protests to convince politicians to not even try to put a half cent sales tax increase on the ballot this November. Save the date of Monday, July 12 at 1230. (I will be in New Orleans, unfortunately.) Long time local advocate for freedom, Richard Rider is leading the charge. (I have had acquaintance with Mr. Rider for over 25 years, it was out of a sense of loyalty to him that I took so long to leave the LP.) Here is the some of the good news that Mr. Rider has to share about the opposition coming together:

Likely included as organizations will be my SD Tax Fighters, San Diego County Taxpayers Assn, the GOP, the Libertarian Party, … major “Tea Party” operations in the county, the SD Restaurant Association and hopefully several others...
I have to admit that I almost want to see this tax increase on the ballot, because it will so energize those sympathetic to the Tea Party, that it may influence the outcome of local elections, in particular, Council District 6, which looks to be close. My lefty buddies at OB Rag points out that Mayor Sanders used this issue to pillory Donna Frye in their mayoral contest. However, OB Rag doesn't appear to be opposing the tax.

(Picture of Richard Rider from "A Brief History" blog.)

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