"I have a message from the tea party," he told several hundred supporters at a country club in this western Kentucky town where he lives. "A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words. We've come to take our government back."
Amen, brother. Skip to 1:30 to hear Rand Paul get going, he delivers the Tea Party message very well, much of what the SLOBs have been saying all along.
Meanwhile in Pennsylvania, that self serving turn coat, party of one, Arlen Specter, has gone down to defeat in the primary to Joe Sestak. By the way, I have no love of Mr., formerly Vice Admiral, Sestak, retired as Rear Admiral, BTW. The guy was notorious for treating people badly while in the Navy, CDR Salamander has all the dirt on him. Hopefully, some of this will be useful in the general election.
Great news and cause for celebration!
ReplyDeleteLeft Coast Rebel, thanks for commenting. Just checked out your blog for the first time. You've got a lot going on, keep up the good work.