But I say, let them strike. That way, if the governor had a spine, he could cull the ranks of the useless. Then everyone in California could see how little or how much impact these employees have on the smooth functioning of our daily lives. I'm betting that the impact to me will be low, but let events be the proof of the pudding.
Government growth threatens our liberty and our prosperity
A liberty movement blog
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Please, Please, Please - Go On Strike
But I say, let them strike. That way, if the governor had a spine, he could cull the ranks of the useless. Then everyone in California could see how little or how much impact these employees have on the smooth functioning of our daily lives. I'm betting that the impact to me will be low, but let events be the proof of the pudding.
That God would be so good to us for a Reagan/air traffic controller moment to occur here.
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